Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What is your inspiration?

Everyday we leave our home, our families and our responsibilities to come to Scott Middle School and support our students.  We use our own funds for school supplies and tangible rewards for our students, we grade papers until midnight and develop lesson plans on Sunday morning.  New strategies, new standards, accountability by the state...where do we start and where do we end?  Mrs. Smith said it best today, "1/3 of the school year is over and I feel like we just begun!"  Our objective for cluster this week was to remind ourselves of our own personal and/or professional goals and why we are committed to our own success!  It is essential to remind ourselves what inspires us to meet those goals and be successful in  life.

I look forward to viewing everyone's Motivation Boards and feel free to stop by and see mine posted next to my desk.  My inspiration comes from my family, I don't know if I could have achieved my career goals if it wasn't for their support and commitment to me.  Additionally, the staff of Scott Middle School drives me to work hard to ensure their hard work is recognized and not done in vain.  We deserve to achieve recognition from the state and our colleagues and this motivates me to work hard!  We will succeed and my motivation board will continue to remind me on daily basis of why I choose to reach my goals!

Although, we are 70 days away from the first portion of the ISTEP test, I wanted this weeks blog to serve as an inspiration to what and why we do the work we do.  Below you will find a few photos from THIS school year as a reminder to how AWESOME we are as a school!  We have already accomplished so much.

Student vs. Staff Volleyball game

PTSA Halloween Dance

Football 2014 City Champs (Coach P would be so proud!)

Fall Choral Concert

Hispanic Heritage Festival which brought in over 100 participants!

Garden Club planting bulbs for the spring!

Morton Homecoming cookout

The SMS band marching with the MHS band.  We rock!

8th grade girls volleyball team....city champs!  What What!

PTSA 5k event...yep I finished the whole thing...not sure about everyone else...Browning?

Learning how to use chopsticks in Chinese!!!

PBIS Team Building event

Boiler Up!

Starting our whole school book...do you dare to cross the line?

Hands on learning in Mrs. Peterschmidt's class

2014 8th grade dance...the year goes by sooo fast....we will be here again soon!

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