Sunday, January 4, 2015

Continued Success in 2015

In our profession, the "New Year" begins in August and the imminent countdown to ISTEP+ begins with the calendar year transition.  Thankfully, we recently re-evaluated our personal and professional goals and created inspiration boards to remind ourselves of why we work so hard!  When you return to work spend some time focusing on your inspiration board to ensure you keep those goals at the forefront! You may even want to have the students review their personal boards, too!

We have 36 school days from January 5, 2015 to the beginning of the Applied Skills ISTEP+!  The new state standards scare many of us, BUT by focusing on the process of completing a problem or writing an essay our students will be successful.  Ms. Burrows spent time at a recent faculty meeting discussing the theory of Mindset by Carol Dweck and the powerful impact educators have on developing successful students.  Below you will find a 10 minute Ted Talks video of Ms. Dweck and how to motivate all students in turn increasing their ability.  Relationships, praise and proper motivation are equally as important to teaching the standards!  Don't underestimate the power of the relationships with your students.  Success will continue for SMS in 2015 if we remember all of the pieces to the puzzle!  

I want to wish all staff members a Happy New Year and hope you and your families have a happy and healthy 2015.  Please remember my door is always open for anything you may need!  Our job is difficult and demanding and sometimes we just need to process our thoughts with someone else to get through the day. 

Acuity Readiness #2 Begins - 1/6/15
Team Leader Meeting - 1/7/15
Grading Period Ends - 1/9/15

We have begun to offer after-school tutoring after-school Monday through Friday.  Please encourage your students to attend!  I will meet with those teachers interested in supervising after school on Tuesday 1/6/15.  A calendar invite will be sent out to those who have already contacted me.  

Also, advisory will begin to focus on remediation again as we did last year.  This proved to effective! We will discuss the specifics during team leader on Wednesday.  Please discuss this process as a team prior to the meeting.

One more thing...Mr. Hicks and Mr. Friend will begin attending team meetings to offer support with student behavior and academics.  Please don't hesitate to invite them in to your meeting at any time you need anything!    

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